Do you have a question for Chuck? Dear Chuck answers adults’ questions to queer youth! Ask a question and read the Dear Chuck blog here: DEAR CHUCK.

Downeast Overnight

Downeast Overnight

OUT Maine, Downeast Rainbow Alliance, Healthy Acadia, and Tides Institute came together recently to host an overnight youth event in Downeast Maine.  Annie Hopkins from Downeast Rainbow Alliance wrote OUT Maine after the event: “We send a huge bundle of gratitude for...

Coming Out to Unsupportive Family Members

Q: My child recently came out to me as transgender, and I am trying to figure out the best way to support my child around sharing this information with our extended family (grandparents, cousins, etc.) Not everyone in our family has the most inclusive mindset. I want...

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Valentine’s Day Messaging

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Valentine’s Day Messaging

For many, Valentine's Day is linked to romance, cards, and chocolates. Yet much of the Valentine’s Day messaging and media targets straight, cisgender couples. LGBTQ+ youth too often feel invisible and excluded. LGBTQ+ youth deserve a Valentine's Day that is fully...

Changing Pronouns

Q: Dear Chuck, Is it normal for my child to change pronouns regularly? How can I support them with this? A: Dear Anonymous, Yes, it is perfectly appropriate for your child to explore various pronouns as a part of their gender exploration journey. As a caring adult,...



What is an intention? An intention is a guiding principle for how you want to be, live, and show up in the world or in any area of your life. Some of OUT Maine’s staff intentions for 2022 “As a cisgender person, I will introduce myself using name and pronouns in...

What type of GSTAs are there?

What type of GSTAs are there?

By Aiden Campbell LMSW-cc and Maura Derrivan LCPC-c Q: What type of GSTA groups are there? A:  GSTAs can take on a number of approaches depending on the needs of the students. A GSTA is a safe space for students who are looking for support. So, make sure you are...