Do you have a question for Chuck? Dear Chuck answers adults’ questions to queer youth! Ask a question and read the Dear Chuck blog here: DEAR CHUCK.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Sometimes life gets busy and we forget to take the time to appreciate ourselves and others. Over the last two years there has been a lot of unpredictability and change, which can feel scary. Take some time to support your own...

Nominations are Open!

Nominations are Open!

Haystack/OUT Maine Immersive Studio-based Arts Weekend We are excited to announce that through our partnership with Haystack Mountain School of Crafts the Haystack/OUT Maine Immersive Studio-based Arts Weekend is returning this September! Celebrated LGBTQ+ artists...

April Showers Bring Gay Flowers

April Showers Bring Gay Flowers

Materials: tissue paper or real flowers (wild or store bought), pipe cleaners/strips of paper or anything creative to make the base of a crown. See the video below for help! The goal of this activity is to have fun creating and designing. Put together colors, flowers...

Supporting All Students

Q: Dear Chuck, I have a question that I was hoping you could help support. I have a student in fourth grade who is having a hard time accepting a student who identifies as female but was born male.  This fourth grader has had conversations at home with her parents and...

Katie Lutts Joins OUT Maine!

Katie Lutts Joins OUT Maine!

OUT Maine is excited to announce Katie Lutts (she/her) has joined the OUT Maine team as its new School Engagement Coordinator! Katie is a 2007 graduate of the University of Maine with a Kinesiology and Physical Education degree.  She has been teaching health and...

Trans Day of Visibility

Trans Day of Visibility

Since 1998, people around the world have honored Transgender Day of Remembrance - a day of mourning in November for the hundreds of transgender individuals who have died in the past year. In 2009, Rachel Crandall-Crocker of Michigan founded the International Trans Day...

Scholarships for LGBTQ+ and Allied Students

Scholarships for LGBTQ+ and Allied Students

New: Parsons Scholarship Fund for LGBTQ+ Youth and AlliesThanks to the family of Betsy Parsons and the Maine Community Foundation, there is now a scholarship fund for LGBTQ+ youth and allies in Betsy's memory. Students can apply for the scholarship on Maine Community...