Do you have a question for Chuck? Dear Chuck answers adults’ questions to queer youth! Ask a question and read the Dear Chuck blog here: DEAR CHUCK.

Polysexual vs. Polyamory?

Dear Chuck, what is the difference between Polysexual and Polyamorous Here are some “official” definitions to help us get started. A polysexual person is someone who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to multiple genders. It is not the same as being bisexual or...

A New Perspective on GenderQueer 

A New Perspective on GenderQueer 

By August Sender, Training Coordinator - OUT Maine The book Gender Queer, a memoir by Maia Kobabe, has been in the news consistently recently. If you haven’t been following along, the book is a graphic novel - a comic-style story of the author's experience learning...

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022

Transgender Day of Remembrance is November 20th November is Trans Awareness Month, and November 20th is the 23rd annual Trans Day of Remembrance.  Starting in 1999, and globally recognized starting in 2010, Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) names and honors the...

Dear Chuck: To Ask or Not to Ask

Dear Anonymous: If you have someone who has not yet shared their pronouns with you, the best to do is offer your own pronouns. Say "Hello, my name is _____, and I use (he/him) pronouns." It is best to let this person share their pronouns with you on their own terms...

Welcome Jamie!

Welcome Jamie!

We are excited to welcome our new Finance Coordinator, Jamie Knowles! Jamie has spent most of his life in the Midcoast Maine region, and after several moves and trips around North America, came back to roost and serve his community. He comes to OUT Maine bringing his...

Queer BIPOC Youth Initiative

Queer BIPOC Youth Initiative

Sultana Khan (center) poses with youth at Rainbow Ball Weekend in May 2022. Photo courtesy of Steven Scoville.Thanks to generous gifts from The Rocking Moon Foundation and Leonard-Litz LGBTQ+ Foundation, OUT Maine spearheads a year-long “action research project” led...