Do you have a question for Chuck? Dear Chuck answers adults’ questions to queer youth! Ask a question and read the Dear Chuck blog here: DEAR CHUCK.

What to do when someone comes out to you

What to do when someone comes out to you

Have you ever had someone share with you that they are LGBTQ+? What did it feel like? Did you feel nervous, awkward, or confused? Did you feel honored, relieved, grateful? Did it seem like a big deal for the person sharing? What questions did you have? For LGBTQ+...

A Better Future for Maine’s  LGBTQ+ Youth

A Better Future for Maine’s  LGBTQ+ Youth

Thanks to funding from The Clowes Fund, OUT Maine has been working hard to create a better future for LGBTQ+ youth through programming that focuses on post-secondary education and workforce engagement. LGBTQ+ youth are regularly bullied in schools, often skipping...

Tara Barker Joins OUT Maine

Tara Barker Joins OUT Maine

OUT Maine is excited to welcome Tara Barker (she/her) to the team! Tara is OUT Maine’s Program Operations Coordinator and works closely with the programming team organizing details of all of OUT Maine’s programming including professional development for adults who...

What is a Q Card?

What is the feedback from youth on the Q card? How best to present its use/purpose to youth? Here is our response: It would be better if it was talked about with more people. If providers were able to have more people use it. Some feel it is no difference than writing...