Do you have a question for Chuck? Dear Chuck answers adults’ questions to queer youth! Ask a question and read the Dear Chuck blog here: DEAR CHUCK.

Dear Chuck, How do I stop internal homophobia?

Dear Chuck, How do I stop internal homophobia?

Thank you so much for asking such an important question! When formulating this answer with the youth we work with, these were some of the initial responses:  -Exposure therapy. Use this method to help yourself get used to being around folks that might make you feel...

Affirmation vs. Tolerance

Affirmation vs. Tolerance

Have you noticed that most of our trainings have the word “affirming” in their title? Or that our mission includes the word “affirming”? (At OUT Maine, we have an ambitious goal: to help Maine’s diverse queer youth thrive by demonstrating how much they matter. We do...

Your child just came out. Now what?

Your child just came out. Now what?

So you’ve had “the big conversation” — your child or family member’s come out to you — and now what?  (Oh, and in case you missed it, take a moment to check out these recent blog posts, What’s a parent to do? Communication and support for your LGBTQ+ child and What to...