by Aiden Campbell | Mar 17, 2022 | General, GSTA/GSDA/CRT
Since 1998, people around the world have honored Transgender Day of Remembrance – a day of mourning in November for the hundreds of transgender individuals who have died in the past year. In 2009, Rachel Crandall-Crocker of Michigan founded the International...
by OUT Maine | Feb 25, 2022 | GSTA/GSDA/CRT, Org News, Youth Programming
It’s happening! Rainbow Ball Weekend will be April 29th – May 1st at Camp Wavus. At Rainbow Ball Weekend we set up a free boutique of clothes, accessories and makeup for the youth to wear at the ball and take home. We are no longer actively seeking clothing...
by OUT Maine | Feb 25, 2022 | GSTA/GSDA/CRT, Parents
New: Parsons Scholarship Fund for LGBTQ+ Youth and Allies Thanks to the family of Betsy Parsons and the Maine Community Foundation, there is now a scholarship fund for LGBTQ+ youth and allies in Betsy’s memory. Students can apply for the scholarship on Maine...
by OUT Maine | Feb 25, 2022 | GSTA/GSDA/CRT, Org News, Youth Programming
OUT Maine, Downeast Rainbow Alliance, Healthy Acadia, and Tides Institute came together recently to host an overnight youth event in Downeast Maine. Annie Hopkins from Downeast Rainbow Alliance wrote OUT Maine after the event: “We send a huge bundle of gratitude for...
by OUT Maine | Jan 11, 2022 | GSTA/GSDA/CRT
By Aiden Campbell LMSW-cc and Maura Derrivan LCPC-c Q: What type of GSTA groups are there? A: GSTAs can take on a number of approaches depending on the needs of the students. A GSTA is a safe space for students who are looking for support. So, make sure you are...
by outmainedev | Aug 11, 2021 | GSTA/GSDA/CRT
By Kristy Labonte, GSA Advisor to Spruce Mountain High School This year was TOUGH! Spruce Mountain HS is a small school in a relatively conservative pocket in Western Maine. Just last year, a small group of students stepped up to form a GSA which quickly grew from...