by OUT Maine | May 30, 2023 | Dear Chuck, Parents
Let them explore at home as a safe place. Let them buy new things they wouldn’t normally wear/styles etc. Shopping can be scary but online shopping and thrift shopping. Let your child try different scents and products (skincare, deodorant etc). Offer trying...
by OUT Maine | May 30, 2023 | Dear Chuck
Thank you so much for asking such an important question! When formulating this answer with the youth we work with, these were some of the initial responses: -Exposure therapy. Use this method to help yourself get used to being around folks that might make you feel...
by OUT Maine | Feb 28, 2023 | Dear Chuck, General, Parents
Using preferred names and pronouns literally saves lives! According to The Trevor Project – the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ+ youth – young people whose pronouns are respected by all or most of the...
by OUT Maine | Feb 24, 2023 | Dear Chuck, General
Have you ever had someone share with you that they are LGBTQ+? What did it feel like? Did you feel nervous, awkward, or confused? Did you feel honored, relieved, grateful? Did it seem like a big deal for the person sharing? What questions did you have? For LGBTQ+...
by Maura Oakes | Nov 30, 2022 | Dear Chuck
What is the feedback from youth on the Q card? How best to present its use/purpose to youth? Here is our response: It would be better if it was talked about with more people. If providers were able to have more people use it. Some feel it is no difference than writing...
by Maura Oakes | Nov 30, 2022 | Dear Chuck
Dear Chuck, what is the difference between Polysexual and Polyamorous Here are some “official” definitions to help us get started. A polysexual person is someone who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to multiple genders. It is not the same as being bisexual or...