Is your school a safe space for LGBTQIA2S+ youth?

Queer youth face a multitude of challenges, including increased rates of depression and risk of suicide. OUT Maine’s Safe School Cohort program is designed to break down barriers to build more inclusive school environments for Maine’s marginalized youth with school- or district-based interdisciplinary cohorts.

Completion of the cohort can satisfy district-wide diversity, equity, and inclusion goals, and promote social and emotional learning among staff and students.

We Want to Work with You!

Are you a student support specialist, an educator, an administrator, or other staff
committed to making lasting change? We want to work with you! Sign up for the
cohort today or contact our School Engagement Coordinator Cassie Cooper for more details.

Email Cassie

What past cohort participants have to say...

“It was incredibly valuable to set meaningful goals for our own school community. The monthly meetings made us more accountable for making progress on our goals. The resources were incredibly valuable. Cassie was an excellent facilitator.”

“I would definitely recommend schools participating in this cohort process. The school-wide assessment was a jumping off point. Then, creating an action plan that was relevant and specific was really helpful.”

“As a board member I was able to see our school community and others around us through a new lens. How these issues are impacting our students and our staff. The weight that decisions being made hold for our communities.”