OUT Maine, Downeast Rainbow Alliance, Healthy Acadia, and Tides Institute came together recently to host an overnight youth event in Downeast Maine.
Annie Hopkins from Downeast Rainbow Alliance wrote OUT Maine after the event:
“We send a huge bundle of gratitude for everyone who supported our winter 2022 Overnight retreat for queer & allied youth in the DRA’s community come alive! It was a lot of effort by many, and many people saying yes at times that it would have been easier to say no. These teens are so fortunate to have us all out there advocating for them to make this happen! …Thank you each for any little or great big thing you did to make this transformational time happen for 10 rural queer youth.”
They also shared what some of the teens said in the overnight’s closing circle:
“I want this again and more of it!”
“This was one of the best experiences I’ve had.”
“It was friends, family awesomeness and gave us the opportunity to be roommates.”
“I normally only am comfortable sleeping in my own bed and I actually felt comfortable sleeping here.”
“It was good livin’ the dream!”
Thank you Annie and everyone who helped make OUT Maine’s first in-person youth event since 2020 happen!